Why People Are Dreading Going Back To ‘Normal’. Post-Lockdown Anxiety And How To Overcome It.

Keira Waddell
3 min readMar 11, 2021


It seems like everyone around me (digitally around me of course) just ‘can’t wait for life to get back to ‘normal’ — or the closest thing to normal that we can think of right now.

While I of course cannot wait to stop hearing about ‘daily death tolls’ and ‘infection rates’ and want nothing more than this pandemic to be OVER, the idea of social normality makes my heart skip a beat. If you’ve ever dealt with any kind of social anxiety, or any anxiety for that matter, you’ll have an idea what I’m taking about… the prospect of real face-to-face meetings where I can’t turn off my camera or go on mute or being at awkward parties where I only know one person — making eye-watering small talk with others on the same boat. These kinds of interactions have always made me a really uncomfortable, but after a year away from any kind of real, physical social interaction, going back to ‘normal’ is a little terrifying. If you’re like me and are feeling anxious about post-lockdown social life, keep reading to learn about some of my best anxiety fighting tips.

1. Keep a Journal. Writing down your thoughts is a great way to relieve any kind of anxiety. Sorting through the messy thoughts in your head will give you a clearer mind which will allow you to focus on the things you need to do to get through your day. Track your thoughts and all of your feelings so that you can reflect on these and see how far you have come on your journey to overcome your anxiety. Writing down small goals or tasks like ‘call Mum’ will make you more likely to actually do the things you need to do. Also, there’s nothing like ticking off tasks and feeling super productive. Check. Check. Check…

2. Get outside. I’m sure everyone is fed up with hearing how important it is to get fresh air and exercise, so I won’t dwell on that too much. Of course, stick to the guidelines and keep a safe distance, yada yada yada. But just being outside and around people can also help you fight your social anxiety — I’m not saying go and talk to every random stranger you meet, but a small smile and a ‘hello!’ can go a long way — you could even make someone’s day. :)

3. Call people. Okay, I know — phone calls are THE WORST for people with social anxiety but facing your fears head on is the best way to overcome them. Trust me on this, please! After a year of WhatsApp and Facebook messages, go ‘old school’ and call up your friends and family. I’m talking about real phone calls here — not video calls — people tend to feel more anxious on old school phone calls so becoming more comfortable with doing this will help you overcome your anxiety IMMENSELY. Make sure to speak to someone you feel comfortable with at first, then start to branch out a little to more distant friends and family members. After doing this regularly, you’ll get more comfortable talking to people again and face-to-face meetups will be a doddle!



Keira Waddell

Writer. Runner. Linguist. Mental Health Advocate and Food Lover.