5 Things Successful People Do Every Day

Keira Waddell
3 min readMar 9, 2021


Do you often get to the end of the day feeling unaccomplished and you are in need of motivation to work hard and reach your goals? If you’re trying to improve your business, take a big step in your career, reach a certain fitness level or you just want to improve the overall quality of your life, take a look at these five life-changing tips. Seriously. Even doing one of these things each day will boost your productivity and help you finally achieve your goals!

1. Wake up early. EVERY. SINGLE. SUCCESSFUL. PERSON. DOES. THIS. Waking up before everyone else gives you a HUGE advantage — you can clock-in a few hours of work, plan out your day, do a workout or just take the dog a walk. By the time everyone else is waking up, you’ve already ticked off a few tasks for the day. Waking up early will also stop you getting that ‘groggy’ feeling — you’ll feel more energised throughout the day and sleep better the next night. If you’re not an early bird, start by gradually waking up earlier by just fifteen or thirty minutes each day until you change your body clock. The ideal time will vary slightly for everyone, but the best time to wake up is between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m.

2. Work out in the morning. Getting a workout in any time of the day will no doubt benefit your physical and mental health. Although, people who work out in the morning are usually way better at not flaking out on their workouts. How many times have you told yourself you’ll go the gym after work but then been in such a bad mood or just been too tired from the day that you bailed? …Exactly. It’s also an incredible boost of energy in the morning (even better than coffee) and will give you the energy you need to accomplish everything you need to that day. It’s best if you can get out in the fresh air but an indoor workout will still have a ton of benefits. Your body and your mind will thank you.

3. Keep a journal.Dear diary”… Okay, it doesn’t have to be pink fluffy padlocked ‘keeper of secrets’ (but it can be if you want it to). Writing down your thoughts is a great way to clear your mind. A clear mind free of negative thoughts will boost your productivity and keep you motivated on your goals so you will spend less time procrastinating and time-wasting and more time on working towards improving yourself, your business or your physical or mental health. It’s also a good idea to write ‘to-do lists’ in a journal — that feeling of ticking off accomplished tasks will help you stay motivated, and you can actually see the progress your making!

4. Eat regular, healthy meals. Too many people don’t take enough time to nourish their body properly. Even though you might not feel hungry, your body may be telling you in different ways that you need to eat (feeling tired, having low energy, not being able to concentrate). Even if you’re trying to keep your weight down, people need to eat! Especially if you’re super busy. Don’t think of food as calories — but as energy that you need to get through your day. As long as you don’t eat more than you’re burning off, your body will thank you by giving you the energy you need to complete your goals.

5. Don’t over-work yourself. Yes. Not all successful people work 100-hour-weeks. Sure, some do, and this may work for them. But for regular people, this simply doesn’t work — not in the long term anyway. Okay, maybe the first few months will be fine, your body will get used to the crazy hours and the little to no sleep but then, it will come… the burnout. Your body and your mind WILL crash on you, no matter how badly you want to reach your goals, there’s only so much your body can handle. Taking regular breaks and the odd day off will benefit you in the long run. The sooner you accept this — the better for you and your dreams.

Now, go off and write you daily to-do list while you enjoy a healthy breakfast (after your morning workout).



Keira Waddell

Writer. Runner. Linguist. Mental Health Advocate and Food Lover.